
lisa_introHi! I am a social psychologist, having received my PhD at the University of California, Davis in 2018. In my academic research, I studied social perception in intergroup contexts. To that end, my research touched on many topics in person perception, stereotyping, and stigma. I strive to obtain a comprehensive understanding of intergroup relations by considering both the majority and the minority group perspectives.

Driving my research is my broad concern for improving intergroup relations, promoting equity and inclusion, and improving outcomes for disadvantaged groups. Although I study these issues from the psychological perspective at the social cognitive level, these issues  are informed by a broad spectrum of factors, from micro-level cognitive factors (e.g., basic attentional, judgmental, and motivational processes) to macro-level systemic factors (e.g., educational, economic, and political systems), and from a broad set of disciplines including psychology, sociology, and other social sciences. I have a general interest, beyond my immediate work, in learning from these different perspectives.